pehhlisss..i really really need to cry....T T
It almost 4 months after I attended the MARA interviewed. And I nearly forget about it until one of my friends, Ena, called me just now. She sounded very happy. Just to inform me that she got the second chance to be interviewed for jawatan guru MARA this upcoming Monday at MRSM Kubang Pasu. Wow, jelesh weh! I told her that I didnt got any calls.
After we ended our converse, I noticed that I got 5 miscalls!!! Sepantas kilat, I checked who are the "miscallers" ngeh3. Forgive me for a very poor grammar. My eyes were caught on the number from 'utagha area'. Maybe?? Maybe?????
Buang masa apa lagi?? Cepat call!! And it's true!! It's MRSM Kubang Pasu. Unfortunately, they told me that the person who called me just now has gone. Oooppss, I mean sudah balik. So, takde sape ke yang boleh bagitahu saya kenapa orang tu call? Orang tu akan call balik ke esok? How come they said 'Kami tak tahu'..
Aaaarrrrggghhhhh, mungkinkah penantian saya perlu dihentikan sekarang?? Jangan tunggu lagi. Lupakan saja angan-angan nak jadi cekgu.
Dan sekarang, I sedang belek-belek newspaper part 'jawatan kosong'. Maybe i'll try to apply for jawatan pemandu lori. Serius banyak kosong. Okay, thank you.
okey yanie...akk sokong..jumm...g amik lesen G,D,L...jadik driver lori plak...huhu..
akak, moh la kite same2..T T
xmo nangis2...insyaALLAH,ade rezeki,,,klu die xcl,yani jer cl die..pssttt..klu dpt kt kubang pasu,nti leh ajak yani kuar la..kui3..akk dekat je tu.
tp esok cuti kan kt kedah?? ari ahad br keje kn?? sobs
klu apply J-QAF confirm trus jd cekgu weh. sbb 33k ckgu dperlukn (kot). kwn ak apply J-QAF da 4 bln ngajo. tp layakkah kte? hehe
yat: bkn ke j-qaf tu nak asas arab? aku layak kot..aku pandai arab+warak..:D
jgn putus asa..rezeki tuh ado jah.cuma cepat or lambat. gud luck yani :)
tq ct..mish u!!
jom yanie! ak pn nk try apply pemandu lori...haha
napok mcm ssh gilerr nk bleh kijo keh?huhu
all da best yanie, insyAllah buleh kot 2nd interview tu :)
tema..xtaw lg sbb telepas call tu..sedey..jum2 jd driver..:D
tu la..ak ade gak asas arab. ak pndai ngaji, pndai ngeja arab ape. :D jom j-qaf. kompem dpt posting trus. keh3
ko nk jd pmandu? pmandu ak jela.. tiap ari anta ak g keje.. gaji basic dgree.
insyallah Yanie, ahad nie diorg kol balik...jgn sdey2..
yat..basic degree RM2000 lor tuk penadu..aku NAK!!!
alya..hope so! tq dear..:P
call la balik yani.mana tau rezeki.bila intervw?
atiq..kwan ckp die kne interview ari isnin ni..sobs..
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